“Shalom! Shalom! Welcome To P.H.O.T.O. Natsarim Hebraic Assembly

Thank you for coming for your P.H.O.T.O shoot. We are so glad that you stopped by to see us. You have just walked into the picture that YAHWEH has just taken of you. And you are in your developing stage, sometimes it seems that what we go through could be called the dark room – not knowing what’s going to happen or what the picture is going to come out to look like. But we know when it’s over that we will have a vision that we can hold and run with, why? Because Yahweh still knows the plans that He has for us. We are a assembly that lives and worships from the Natsarim Hebraic lifestyle. We express our love to Yahshua by obeying His Torah and keeping His commandments, and the Feast Days that He has appointed for us to keep forever. We are not a part of any other denomination, nor are we a part of any other organization – but just a body of believers who celebrate Yahshua Ha’ Mashiach. (Jesus the Messiah). Enjoy your time visiting our website and don’t forget to sign the guest book before you leave. In this website is a wealth of knowledge, seek it out.

 Apostle Raymond P. Stansbury, Senior Pastor

& The P.H.O.T.O. Messianic Hebraic Assembly

Yours in Yahshua’s love,

You are the Best 

You are the best you that you can be. You don’t have to compete with the elite, stop trying to measure out, comparing yourself with other people, you will never be them and they will never be you. Measure up, The Most High is our ruling stick, be challenged by The Word and not by the world! We have been taught that we have to be the best, and honestly who really knows what best is? Every ministry is different.